LaTeX macros and bindings courtesy of Richard T. Austin. (See the latex file "keyboard.tex" for an introduction.) LaTeX key definitions o = Option, z = Control, s = Shift Key definition Key definition --------------------------------------------------------------------------- o-a \alpha o-p \pi o-b \beta o-s-p \Pi o-c \chi o-q \theta o-d \delta o-s-q \Theta o-s-d \Delta o-z-q \vartheta o-e \epsilon o-r \rho o-z-e \varepsilon o-s \sigma o-f \phi o-s-s \Sigma o-z-f \varphi o-t \tau o-s-f \Phi o-u \upsilon o-g \gamma o-U \Upsilon o-s-g \Gamma o-w \omega o-h \eta o-s-w \Omega o-i \iota o-x \xi o-k \kappa o-s-x \Xi o-l \lambda o-y \psi o-s-l \Lambda o-s-y \Psi o-m \mu o-z \zeta o-n \nu o = Option, c = Command, s = Shift o-s-' \times (cross product) o-j \partial (partial derivative operator) o-v \nabla (del operator) o-/ \frac{}{ (fraction with tabs) o-. _{} (subscript with tabs) o-s-. ^{} (superscript with tabs) o-; \int_{}^{ (integral with tabs) c-o-b {\bf } (bold face with tabs) c-o-i {\em } (emphasize with tabs) c-o-u or o-s-- \underline{} (underline with tabs) o-2 \sqrt{} (square root with tabs) o-3 \item (item with tabs) o-4 $$ (math mode with tabs) o-5 \infty (infinity symbol) o-6 \hat{} (hat with tabs) o-8 ^{*} (conjugate) o-s-= \sum_{}^{ (summation with tabs) o-s-/ \mbox{} (mbox with tabs) o-s-, \langle \rangle (expected value < > with tabs) o-- \overline{} (overline with tabs) o-\ \nonumber \\ (end non-numbered line of eqnarray) o-= &=& (aligned = in eqnarray) o-s-9 \left(\right) (large '()' with tabs) o-[ \left[\right] (large '[]' with tabs) o-s-[ \left{\right} (large '{}' with tabs) o-F5 or c-o-5 (equation with tabs) o-s-F5 or c-o-s-5 (displaymath with tabs) o-F6 or c-o-6 (eqnarray with tabs) o-s-F6 or c-o-s-6 (equarray* with tabs) o-F7 or c-o-7 \begin...\end (gen. environment) (Prompts for argument) o-F8 or c-o-8 \ref{} (reference with tabs) o-s-F8 or c-o-s-8 \cite{} (citation with tabs) TAB Jump to next in tabbed functions.